Friday, August 19, 2011

How to Cure Loud Stomach Noises

Loud stomach noises can be very embarrassing and can be caused by a variety of reasons. The biggest factor with loud stomach noise is diet, some habitancy are more sensitive to some foods than others. While it can be something that is just as uncomplicated as not combining some food types. Eating high sugar foods with carbohydrates can be a cause of this - for example; if for lunch you ate a sandwich and an apple.

dog food for sensitive stomachs

There is a explication to this, I personally suffered from very loud stomach noises for years. My job complex working very close with habitancy and giving training sessions and so you can dream how this was for me. habitancy all the time asking if I was still hungry level after lunch got a puny boring after a while, this would lead to me not eating during the day to avoid the embarrassment but then I would get hungry and my attentiveness would lapse - it was not a happy way to be and so I set out to overcome this problem.

Sensitive Stomachs

I visited my doctor and told him of my symptoms which included gurgling stomach noises after eating, gas or wind, a bloated stomach, a painful stomach if I remained seated for long periods of time and very often diarrhea. The doctor told me that these symptoms all fall under the 'cloud' of Ibs - irritable bowel syndrome and that it is a condition which they don't know what causes it but it can be related to stress and he suggested I write a food diary to see when it was at its worse. The food diary idea was inviting but it didn't furnish any worthwhile results. The question was not solely with what I was eating, it was with the compound of food types, it was with eating foods that the body isn't designed to eat - like refined foods.

I came to the windup that as this is a digestion and food related question then there must be a diet and food related solution. I studied a lot of books on diet over the coming months and decided that I was going to take my foods back to basics. I would only eat uncomplicated foods - like a caveman would eat. I would eat meat, fish, low sugar vegetables and eggs. I would eliminate sugar because this was a imagine in these loud stomach noises and so with this I would eliminate fruit for the first two weeks. In total I wasn't eating more than 20 ingredients and was only drinking water and tea. The imagine is because I want to give my stomach minimal foods with no carbohydrates and no sugar so basically I was eating protein salads and meat and veg in the evening. Morning meal would normally contain eggs, sausages, tomatoes etc.

Within two weeks my loud stomach noises had completely cleared up. They had gone!!! It was unbelievable. I am now six months into this and have introduced more foods but very gently - normally a weeks at a time. For anyone who has experienced similar problems then I strongly propose trying this because I am positive it will work for most people. I believe refined foods, combining carbs with fat during meals and sugar are the cause of this problem.

The best plan that I found is the Cureibs plan. Although the condition I had was not Ibs, the strategy of this plan is still the same and works wonders - within a week!! It is great for a full list of suitable and unsuitable foods, it will supply you with great techniques along with the precise times to introduce new foods. Within no time you will be back to normal!

How to Cure Loud Stomach Noises

Sensitive Stomachs


SPWS said...

The food you eat is the leading causes of stomach noises. Making changes can help you identify which one causes it.

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