Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cigarettes - How to Quit Smoking and improve Your Digestion

Smoking affects the body in many dissimilar ways. The most prominent consequent is that it makes the stomach yield more stomach acid, also called gastric acid. Gastric acid is a necessary element for digesting food. If the gastric acid in the stomach is not strong enough digestion becomes incomplete.

dog food for sensitive stomachs

The main purpose of the gastric acid is to begin the breakdown of protein and get ready the breakdown of inescapable vitamins and minerals for later uptake in the small intestine. With too low acidity the man will get stomach pain from unprocessed food engaging straight through the intestines and in the long run he/she will suffer lack of vitamins and minerals.

Sensitive Stomachs

In order for the stomach to discharge the food it will strive to achieve the level of acidity needed with whatever means it has. If the man is a smoker the stomach will crave a cigarette.

But why do some people have enough acidity while others do not? The hypothesize is that some people have had their vagus nerve pinched while birth or before. The vagus nerve runs from the brain down to the large intestine, and messages from the brain to many of the inner organs are passed straight through this nerve. If the nerve has been pinched or jammed in the neck while birth, the messages from the brain do not trip freely to the recipient organs. Therefore, the stomach does not get the right signals to yield acid and will have to solve the problem with other means, and that could be straight through the craving of cigarettes.

So if you want to stop smoking you need to liberate the vagus nerve. Any kinesiologist or chiropractor can do this with a straightforward little policy that takes only a few minutes. Afterwards you will feel less desire for a cigarette, and now you can quit without any resignation symptoms and without nicotine gum or hypnosis.

With optimal stomach acidity you will also gain a estimate of inescapable side effects. You will commonly get a good digestion and you will discharge the nutrients better. Some sufferers with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibs) will feel an revision and many people will caress their heartburn disappears.

Because of the good digestion your immune defence will enhance and you will caress a decrease in inescapable allergies, like electrosensitivity and sensitivity towards artificial fibers, like polyester.

Cigarettes - How to Quit Smoking and improve Your Digestion

Sensitive Stomachs


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