Sunday, September 18, 2011

What? My Dog Can't Eat That?

Most dogs are known for eating anything and everything, but many owners are beginning to realize that not all food is good for their dog. There are in fact many foods and drinks that your dog should probably not ingest. Owners may often think that a dog's stomach is pretty tough, but many dog's stomachs are actually pretty sensitive and many have problems digesting certain types of food, even those they are supposed to be able to eat, like certain dog food ingredients.

dog food for sensitive stomachs

Here are some things that a dog should certainly not have: alcohol as it can lead to urination problems or even coma or death, caffeinated drinks can accelerate their heart rate and even cause seizures, raw eggs, grapes or raisins which seem particularly harmful, and nuts like macadamia and walnuts and pits in fruit.

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

Many owners have heard not to give their dog chocolate, but many do not realize the possible effects chocolate may have on a dog, particularly a small dog. Here is a chart that explains the toxicity of chocolate consumption for dogs:

1 ounce per pound of body weight (2 ounces per kg of body weight) for milk chocolate. 1 ounce per 3 pounds of body weight ( 1 ounce per 1.5 kg body weight) for semi-sweet chocolate. 1 ounce per 9 pounds of body weight ( 1 ounce per 4 kg) for baker's chocolate. Baker's chocolate and dark chocolate are the most toxic, while milk chocolate is less toxic, but still can cause problems. The theobromine in chocolate is what affects the dogs. The level of theobromine in baking and dark chocolate is higher than in milk chocolate. If you dog has ingested chocolate, call your vet and report the type and amount of chocolate consumed. Watch your dog for signs of poisoning such as hyperactivity, unusual thirst, increased heart rate, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors and even seizures.

Even though these things listed below might not be toxic or lethal, they are definitely not good for your pet. Be careful not to let you dog drink out of the toilet bowl, especially if there are cleaners or fresheners in the water or bowl. Things such as potatoes, onions, and yeast dough can cause varied gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhea or bloating. It is best not to give moldy or questionable food to your dog. If you wouldn't eat it, they shouldn't have it either! Cat food can cause an imbalance for dogs as well, so try not to feed your cat and dog the same food. Even things like sugarless candy and broccoli can cause major problems for dogs, especially with stomach upset and even liver damage with broccoli.

If you dog has problems with digesting certain types of food a bland diet of chicken and rice is best, even for a week or two to give their stomach's a break. You can slowly go back to their dog food and if problems arise again, go back to the chicken and rice or find another dog food that is made more of natural products like the chicken and rice, not so much corn and other ingredients.

As always, if your dog has ingested something toxic or that you think might be toxic, call your vet. If you vet is not open, then you can contact the National Animal Poison Control Center.

What? My Dog Can't Eat That?

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs


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