Sunday, September 25, 2011

Is Your Dog Food on the Top 10 Best Dog Food List?

Just because a brand of dog food is well-known does that make it the best dog food to feed your pet? Brand names are often well advertised but that does not mean they are what is right for your dog.

dog food bin

Your vet, unfortunately, does not have the best dog food available for your canine. Just because it is sold by your veterinarian does not mean it is the healthiest food available.

Dog Food

After my Beagle started having Seizures, I have spent many hours researching how to pick the best food. I have learned more about how to decipher a dog food label and understand what all the ingredients are, than most people know about their own human food.

The problem was the more research I would do the deeper I would get into this ugly world of commercial pet foods.

It became apparent that in order for me to be sure I was feeding the best food, I would need to understand a whole lot more about how the pet food industry worked.

I have documented my findings in many articles about the pet food industry, which is virtually self-regulated, and about how the industry uses deceptive labeling language to deceive pet owners about true contents of pet food.

There is only one law out there that helps us choose the best pet food, and that is the one stating that all ingredients must be listed in order of decreasing weight. So you need to look at the first ingredient and if it reads corn, then it doesn't matter if the bag says Turkey dinner, the main ingredient is corn.

You shouldn't pay as much attention to the brand as you should to the ingredient list. After you make it through the first couple of ingredients that you think you understand what they are, that is where the fun begins.

Some of the top brands, use dried egg products as one of their ingredients, this not the same as using eggs. The truth is that what goes into dried egg products is not fit for human consumption, so why would we feed it to our dogs? As well as with Chicken by-products, they are completely different from the chicken that you would eat.

These ingredients are just the ones that you can kind of figure out what they might be, but how about the preservatives and vitamins listed that you probably won't have a clue what they are?

This why I was happy to find during my research a very strict guide of what to look for on the label, and this is what I use to find the food, for my dogs.

I thought I would have a very tough time winnowing down 150 brands down to the top 10 best available but I could find only 10 brands that deserved to be on that list. When you compare the labels on these 10 to the brands your Vet are selling, you are going to start to take healthy feeding decisions out of the hands of your Vet and do it yourself.

Is Your Dog Food on the Top 10 Best Dog Food List?

Dog Food


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