Friday, September 30, 2011

How to Avoid a Stomach Ache After Eating - 3 Tips Just For You

There is just about nothing worse than having a stomach ache after eating and all you want to do is curl up in a ball on the couch and try to ignore the awful feeling you have. If you know what causes a stomach ache, then the chances are good that you can stop from having other bout of stomach discomfort. And here are 3 tips for you to consider...

dog food for sensitive stomachs

1. Eating to fast and do not chew up your food well. Don't forget to chew your food gently and well! If you eat too speedily you could swallow air and cause stomach aches and gas. Just think about how a baby swallows air when drinking a bottle and causes gas and colic. Even though adults have a fully grown digestive system, we still have the possibly to swallow air if we eat to fast causing a stomach ache after eating.

Sensitive Stomachs

And if you sparsely chew your food, you end up with larger food sizes in your stomach so your stomach has to work overtime to break down these more or less whole bite sized food pieces. If larger sized food bites do not break down properly, which sometimes happens, the food goes straight through to your intestines in larger pieces keeping from receiving your full nutritional impact you could receive from the food that you had eaten.

So make sure you chew, chew, chew to keep from that terrible stomach ache after eating, nobody wants an upset tummy.

2. Eating processed foods. We all know these products are packed with chemicals and synthetic ingredient. Most times they are made from foods that are raised, specially modified and engineered. And as a result your stomach has to furnish excess stomach acids to process all the fat and highly refined ingredients.

If your stomach does not furnish enough acids to compensate, you could end up with nausea and a stomach ache for hours. Most nothing else but processed foods are a method for a stomach ache after eating this type of food.

Processed foods have very microscopic nutrition, full of fat but taste great of course. You know why fast food hamburgers and fries taste so good and keep you craving for more? These foods from your beloved fast food nothing else but artificially stimulate a publish of a neurotransmitter dopamine causing you to just love the fast food taste.

3. Avoid highly acidic foods and beverages. If you are having problems with stomach acids, acid reflux, sour stomachs, have a sensitive stomach, I would stay far away from highly acidic foods and drinks unless you are on a specialized diet for stomach ailments.

And yes distinct berries have lots of acid like cranberries and blackberries, lemons, grapefruits, pomegranates, and pickles. And believe it or not, green peppers are acidic. I have the worst stomach aches from eating foods with green peppers in them. Coffee, energy drinks and orange or grapefruit juices are excessively acidic. Acidic foods and drinks can cause awful stomach irritation and can cause havoc on your digestion process.

How to Avoid a Stomach Ache After Eating - 3 Tips Just For You

Sensitive Stomachs


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