Monday, October 24, 2011

Why Am I So Bloated After Eating?

Why am I so bloated after eating? This question affects thousands of citizen across the Us. Feeling bloated after you eat can be a natural occurrence if you are overeating, or if you are eating foods that are rich, but it should not occur each and every time you eat.

science diet for sensitive stomachs

There are three possible causes that most every person that has this condition can identify with.

Sensitive Stomachs

Food Sensitivities Infection Organ Dysfunction

Food sensitivities can pop up any time straight through out your life. You may never have been sensitive to one type of food only to find that in your twenties you have become sensitive. Some examples consist of dairy products, wheat/ gluten products and in some instances folks become sensitive to red meat. There is no evidence as to what causes these sensitivities to suddenly flare up, but they have been documented to do just that.

In some cases there is an infection some where in the gut that causes folks to wonder -why am I so bloated after eating- an infection can go undetected for a long time, especially when it is not a bacterial infection. Fungal infections and viral infections can be very hard to detect.

Organ dysfunction can also cause you to wonder why am I so bloated after eating. If you liver is not functioning at 100% you may caress some bloating in your stomach. In this case after you eat you will bloat.

Why am I so bloated after eating can commonly be answered by one of the three main causes.

Why Am I So Bloated After Eating?

Sensitive Stomachs


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