Monday, October 17, 2011

Foods That Cause Stomach Fat Or Bloating

One of the factors which cause stomach body fat to derive is bloating. As defined, bloating is a sense of abdominal plentifulness which can later on lead to abdominal discomfort, pain and diarrhea or constipation. Bloatedness can also supervene to flatulence, which is an embarrassing and uncomfortable situation.

science diet for sensitive stomachs

What causes bloatedness? bloatedness may supervene from the intake of easy carbohydrates, such as refined sugars, fructose and sucrose, which is found in white bread and other white-flour foods. These foods taste good but they cause gas formation in the stomach, leading to bloating and flatulence.

Sensitive Stomachs

Milk is also another culprit. Some citizen lack lactase in their intestines, thus they cannot absorb milk, a health known as lactose intolerance. If you have lactose intolerance and you touch bloatedness, you can try some over-the-counter products to help absorb milk, such as Lactaid and those containing lactase enzymes.

Foods which are proven to cause bloatedness are beans, beer, bran, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, soft drinks, milk, cauliflower and onions. If you are a beans lover, you can help cut the gas-forming supervene of the beans you plan to cook and eat by soaking the beans overnight, pouring the water out afterward and cooking them for about half an hour. Then, after cooking, discard the water used in boiling them and pour in new water to cook for another 30 minutes.

Foods which can slightly cause bloatedness are raw apples, apricots, bananas, wheat bread, carrots, celery, citrus fruits, coffee, cucumbers, eggplants, potatoes, lettuce, pretzels, soybeans and raisins. These foods can cause bloatedness in some citizen who are extra sensitive to them while they do not in some people.

Emotional stress has also been proven to worsen bloatedness, since the stomach is sensitive to emotional outbursts such as anger, stress and anxiety. The stomach also has nerves which join together to the brain and receive signals, triggering abdominal tightening and cramping.

Exercise can also help eliminate stomach bloatedness. Rehearsal helps regulate the movement of the intestines and thus makes us have regular bowel movements. It speeds our metabolism, development us absorb food well and use it as a source of vigor fast. Sit-ups and crunches are abdominal exercises which are effective in eliminating stomach bloating.

To avoid abdominal bloatedness, we must avoid flatulence, which is a supervene of excessive belching. Belching may have many causes, such as excessive smoking, swallowing of gas while eating, eating hurriedly, anxiety, postnasal drips, colds and drinking carbonated beverages

There are some studies which say that abdominal bloatedness are a supervene of chemicals and preservatives found in processed food. Bloatedness results as a form of food hypersensitivity reaction. Thus, for us to avoid the development of stomach bloatedness, we must avoid processed food and snack on healthier food options such as fruits and vegetables.

If abdominal bloatedness persists despite avoidance of foods mentioned and applying the remedies mentioned, you have to consult your physician in order to rule out other problems such as intestinal obstruction, malabsorption syndromes and other serious gastrointestinal diseases.

Foods That Cause Stomach Fat Or Bloating

Sensitive Stomachs


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