Saturday, October 8, 2011

Supplement Scheduling - When & How To Take All Your distinct Supplements

How do you outline out when to take all your dissimilar supplements - especially when some of them need to be consumed on an empty stomach? And what do you do if some of your supplements are not compatible with each other? Read on for some guidelines, tips, and a real-life example.

dog food for sensitive stomachs

Here are some tips to help you outline out your supplement schedule:

Sensitive Stomachs

Take the supplements that are absorbed the fastest, first. If a substance does not specify that it needs to be consumed on an empty stomach, then it's probably okay to take it together with other substances. If a herb is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach, is it because the empty stomach is a pre-requisite for adequate absorption - because food interferes with its absorption? Or, is it because it's a substance that needs to have a clear face to apply it's healing properties? Supplements like slick elm, aloe vera juice, and marshmallow root fit into the latter type and therefore can surely be taken together - since they're all trying to perform the same thing. When a supplement says "take on an empty stomach", that means 20 minutes before food, or 2 hours after food.

Now that you know the basic guidelines, sometimes you still need to experiment a bit to find the best agenda to perform maximum potency and effectiveness from your supplements. Let's take a look at an example, so you can see how this plays out in real life.

Supplements for Colitis

Krista suffers from colitis, so she needs to take the following products to repopulate her gut with good bacteria, relieve gas, bloating and diarrhea, eliminate heartburn, and heal the mucosal lining of her intestines:

Probiotics (beneficial bacteria for the Gi tract - empty stomach for the powders - 3x/day) Psyllium husk powder (for diarrhea operate 2x/day) Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (Dgl) - before or after a meal for heartburn relief L-Glutamine (empty stomach for diarrhea operate - 3x/day) N-Acetyl Glucosamine (Nag) - empty stomach for intestinal heal - 3x/day Slippery Elm (empty stomach for healing mucosal lining of intestines 3x/day) Aloe vera juice (empty stomach for healing intestinal mucosal lining) Multimineral & Multivitamin (3x/day for whole-body condition and replace nutrients lost through malabsorption and fecal loss)

Krista's question is that she doesn't know which ones she can take together, how far apart they need to be taken from each other, or how to fit them all in nearby mealtimes. Since she's taking a lot of supplements - and many of them three times a day - you can surely see why she's so confused.

She's especially confused since the probiotics state on the bottle that any herbs should be taken at least 2 hours apart from the probiotics - since many herbs have antibacterial operation and thus will kill the good bacteria in the probiotics.

Experimenting With Your Supplement Schedule

First of all, Krista needs to keep in mind that even our food can include natural antibacterials (like garlic, onions, etc.) and Natren has had to set a time limit that applies to a wide collection of substances at all strengths/potencies. For example, if you're taking Wild Oregano Oil or Olive Leaf extract, then you undoubtedly cannot consume the probiotics sooner than 2 hours, as you'd be wasting your money. However, other supplements (and foods) are far less potent against bacteria. Therefore, she may be okay to implement one of the following supplement schedules.

The main dissimilarity between the two schedules below is whether she wants to take her probiotics before every meal, or whether she would like to take just one large dose before bed. This is where the experimentation comes in. Her body will undoubtedly prefer, and do best on, one or the other. She will have to test each of them for a week at a time and see which agenda benefits her body the most.

Schedule #1

Before a meal:

take the Probiotics in powder form wait 20 minutes, then take the Nag, L-Glutamine, slick elm and Psyllium (these supplements can be taken together because, although they all wish an empty stomach, they are compatible with each other), then eat, and take the Multivitamin/Multimineral with your food after the meal take the Dgl (deglycyrrhizinated licorice)

Before bed:

take the Probiotics in powder form wait 20 minutes, then take the Aloe vera juice


Schedule #2

Before each meal:

take the Nag, L-Glutamine, Aloe vera juice, slick elm and Psyllium (these supplements can be taken together because, although they all wish an empty stomach, they are compatible with each other) wait 15 minutes, then eat, and take the Multivitamin/Multimineral with your food after the meal take the Dgl (or in this case, you can also take it before the meal, if you prefer, since you're not interesting the probiotics at this time)

Before bed:
Take 1 - 2 teaspoons of each Probiotic powder

Krista will need to experiment with both schedules and see which one gives her best results. The probiotics may work best for her in multiple doses and may not be affected much by the other substances, or, they may work best taken on their own in a large dose. Again, the only way to find out is to test and experiment.

The infer habitancy need to experiment with their supplements is because everyone's body and condition (or pathology) are different. Some habitancy are very sensitive and responsive to positive herbal medicines and not to others. And some habitancy need aggressive supplementation no matter which herb it is, whilst others are very sensitive to all supplements.

When you're dealing with a supplement like high-potency probiotics, for example, some people's bodies sass most comfortably when they're taken in powder form on an empty stomach. And other bodies prefer controlled-release capsule probiotics taken with food. Again, the only way to find out is to experiment.

You'll also get a 'gut feeling' as to which supplements you should take and when. Our own body wisdom trumps any manufacturer's study sheet, so undoubtedly follow your intuition first. If you're skilled at listening to your gut, or following your intuition, you can ask your body directly when and how it wants the supplement. whether place your hand over your gut, whilst retention the herb in your other hand, and ask. Or, place the palm of your hand above the herb and wait for guidance. This is how some medicine women/men receive plant wisdom. They naturally hold their hand above the plant and the knowledge flows into them about how to put in order the plant, which parts to use and how to take it.

If you're not quite at that level of fluency with your body wisdom, then in the meantime, follow the supplement scheduling tips above, integrate it with your own intuition, and experiment.

Supplement Scheduling - When & How To Take All Your distinct Supplements

Sensitive Stomachs


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