Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Four R's of salutary Digestion

The saying goes you are what you eat; well you are what you can digest, Ant. Eject and assimilate. Digestion is highly important. It is beloved to blame food intolerances for poor digestion, and this may be the case in some people, any way it may be just as likely that there is a bacterial infection, low stomach acid and digestive enzymes or poor gut micro flora that is contributing to poor digestion. Respected nutritionist Jeffrey Bland came up with the axiom of the 4 R's when trying to heighten digestion.

science diet for sensitive stomachs

R - Remove food sensitivities, parasites, fungus and bad bacteria.

Sensitive Stomachs

R - Replace nutrients needed for digestion.

R - Re inoculate the bowel with cordial bacteria.

R - Repair the gut with leading nutrients.

Always start by removing things from your diet and lifestyle that may be irritating the gut. Trying to condition the gut or take probiotcs will otherwise be useless. Take off coarse food intolerances such as wheat, dairy, soy or eggs if necessary. If you think you are sensitive to a food or any foods, Take off them from your diet for 2 weeks. If your symptoms heighten you may have a food intolerance, if your symptoms do not heighten it could be something else that is affecting your digestion.

Something else that may need to be removed from the gut is parasites and bad bacteria. To test for and Take off parasites, fungus and bacteria is beyond the scope of this article. any way there are good foods, supplements and herbs that help to kill parasites, bad bacteria and fungus. It is always best to have a stool test done and originate which agents kill the parasites, bad bacteria or fungus you might be infected with, otherwise you may be shooting in the dark. Genova Diagnostics produce a good array of stool tests for hanger-on infection.

Stress is an additional one major disruption for digestion. Stomach acid secretion is reduced considerably and it draws blood and power away from the bowels and diverts it to the brain and muscles to whether run away or fight. Stress comes in many forms - food intolerances, alcohol, financial stress, association stress, mental emotional stress, poor blood sugar regulation etc, so studying what is stressing you and how to carry on those stressors is imperative.

Once you have removed all things that are damaging the Gi tract it's time to start replacing things needed for salutary digestion. One of the most leading things you can do is to test your stomach acid levels and support your stomach with Hcl supplements. I explicate in my book exactly how to do this. Other things that need to be replaced are digestive enzymes, water, fibre and foods that help to stimulate bile secretions.

Only after you have removed and replaced should you entertain re-inoculating the bowel with salutary bacteria and use foods and nutrients that mend the gut.

The Four R's of salutary Digestion

Sensitive Stomachs


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