Thursday, January 5, 2012

Salty Foods to Avoid

Salty foods are generally not good for health. However it is not necessary to avoid salty foods all the year round. You must be choosy when it comes to food items containing salt in any form.

a) Fried chips contain too much of salt. It is not possible to have chips preserved in tins without adding salt. Hence it is better to avoid potato chips. If you can't just give up chips you may at least reduce the intake. But there are few brands that are producing smart chips without cholesterol, oil and salt. You may go for these.

Dog Food

b) Salted cookies are to avoid. Generally children develop a bonding towards salted cookies which is alright. If the craving continues even after certain age it could be a cause for worry. Excessive salt in cookies can lead to high blood pressure which is harmful in many ways.

c) Preserved noodles and other food items should be avoided. Noodles and other tinned food items have salt as one of the preservatives. This may harm in many ways. They are no way better than fresh fruits or steamed vegetables. Hence you must avoid tinned foods as far as possible.

d) Salted carbonated drinks may be good during hot humid conditions but may not be ideal year round. During summer they have the potential to hydrate body while during winter they can be harmful. In fact some doctor recommend consumption of carbonated and salted drinks during summer to maintain the hydration levels of the body. But the same doctor would advise to avoid these drinks during normal weather conditions.

Salty Foods to Avoid

Dog Food


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