Friday, January 27, 2012

My Cat Won't Eat! - What is Wrong?

Occasionally you may find that your cat seems fussier about its food, only choosing to sample its food before walking away. Perhaps your cat could show signs of refusing to eat whenever you try to set your feline down. Perhaps your pet is not eating at all and seems disinterested in anything.

Being familiar with your cat's habits will help you recognize any behavioral changes and you can work out why it may be unwilling or unable to eat as it did before. Cats are very sensitive to changes in routine and atmosphere and it may be something as simple as your having introduced a new cat to your household and this arouses feelings of insecurity. A change in the arrangement of furniture could also unsettle your cat.

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

Have you been on holiday recently and left him with a cat kennel, or perhaps hired someone to come in to feed and look after him daily? A disinterest in food might be due to a simple case of depression that will only be relieved once you've coaxed it back into being his old self with some TLC and a few healthy nibbles.

Such minor issues will not present much of a headache for you as they can be dealt with easily. Offering a little healthy treat to tempt your cat or putting a little bit of meat jelly onto its gums just might persuade it to have a little something. You could try offering a taste of something your cat really does like, to see whether it's turning its nose up at what's on the menu or if there are other reasons for its reluctance to eat.

With cats accustomed to receiving titbits and carbohydrate rich food, a switch to a more health conscious diet could be the reason for its disinterest in food. A refusal of food may be a cat's attempt to show its displeasure in being denied its desires. Your cat may be under the mistaken impression that if it waits long enough you may relent and give in.

However, you should also note that putting an overweight cat on a crash diet of low carbohydrate food can result in your cat refusing to eat for more than two days. In such circumstances, a prolonged period of rejecting nourishment is likely to result in liver problems as your cat draws on his fat reserves and doesn't take in the protein which he needs.

In other circumstances, should your cat persist in not eating for more than a day or two, it could hint at an underlying health problem. In such situations, a consultation with your veterinarian is advised.

Your cat might have a problem with its teeth or jaw which makes eating painful or difficult, as would any problems associated with its digestive system. It could be suffering from inflamed gums or a broken tooth, a cut in its mouth, or an abscess in its jaw arising from a deep scratch. Your feline might be experiencing discomfort in its stomach or have an intestinal condition which will reduce its appetite. Your veterinarian will advise on the best course of treatment in these scenarios.

However, by keeping an eye on your cat and its behavior will help you deal with any problems before they get worse or chronic, and both you and your vet can make sure it has a full and happy life.

My Cat Won't Eat! - What is Wrong?

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Care for a Baby Bearded Dragon Lizard

The bearded dragon lizard, a native of Australia, is one of the most popular choices when choosing a reptile as a house pet. Mainly due to its docile and friendly disposition, this sociable reptile has been gracing pet stores and houses at an increasing rate.

Adopting the bearded dragon lizard as part of the family requires planning and care. Below are some guidelines that can be used in caring for the baby bearded dragon that will become the newest member of your family.

Dog Food

1. Baby bearded dragons require a lot o food to support their rapid growth rate. Between the first 3-6 weeks, feed your baby dragon about 2-3 times a day. Cricket, veggies, and greens can be used while watering can be done once or twice daily. It is rule of thumb that the food you will feed them must be about half the size as the distance between his eyes. This is to ensure that your dragon will not suffer from terminal indigestion.

2. Check for parasites regularly. Although they are parasite-free upon purchase, being bred in captivity, there is always the danger of parasite infestation once your baby dragon has been exposed to the elements, especially to the bugs, worms, and crickets he will be fed with.

3. Provide ample space for your dragon to grow in. The recommended size is a 10 gallon aquarium for a newly hatched dragon, while a 20 gallon tank is needed in the next six months due to your baby dragon's speedy growth. When your bearded dragon reaches adulthood, the size should be changed to a 50 gallon tank to provide enough space for basking, exercise and growth.

4. Clean the baby dragon's house regularly. Since bearded dragons are messy creatures, their homes must be cleaned twice a day. It is a danger for a baby dragon's health if their surroundings are not kept clean because their young age makes them more susceptible to fleas and diseases. The highest mortality rate of bearded dragons take place during their first month.

5. Provide temperature control in your baby dragon's tank. This can be done by using a temperature gradient. There should a spot warm enough for the baby dragon to bask and lie in and there should be a spot humid enough to answer to the dragon's need for water. Baby bearded dragons need water both as a drink and in the air to aid their growth in the first months of their life. Lack of humidity in the air can actually cause your baby dragon to shed.

6. Provide UV light. The light should imitate the one given off by the sun as this helps in your baby dragon's digestion. Working in a way much like photosynthesis, UV light encourages healthy digestion in your dragon. This is especially important for baby dragons as they are always in danger of indigestion due to your young age and reduced capacity to absorb food in large sizes.

7. It is recommended to use paper towels as your baby dragon's substrate. Its is clean, easy to replace when dirty, and inedible.

8. Handle your dragon daily. This will develop their trust towards humans and build their bond with you. Just make sure that you are gentle in handling them and that you never pick them up them up with their tail. They dislike this and will make them thrash about, which is harmful for your baby dragon. You may choose to scoop them up with your cupped hands.

Care for a Baby Bearded Dragon Lizard

Dog Food

Fly Strike On Dogs

Fly strike is a well-known problem with sheep. It can also be an issue for horses and dogs. Fly strike happens when flies start burrowing into the fur/hair and nip at the skin. Once the skin is broken, more flies are attracted by the moisture, blood, and smell as an infection invariably sets in. In some veterinary cases, flies have laid eggs on the skin and maggots then infest the coat and inner ears. Fly strike is most common around moist areas such as the tail and the ears.

Telltale signs of a problem are shaking, rubbing, or scratching the affected part of the body. Unfortunately the natural reaction of the dogs to try to rid themselves of the irritation only tends to worsen the problem.

Dog Food

Left untended, fly strike is both a huge nuisance and very unpleasant for animal and owner alike.

Any dog affected by fly strike should be taken to a vet. The vet can shave the hair from around the scabbed areas. This helps to dry it out and keep it clean. An application of antibiotic ointment, which sometimes contains an anti-inflammatory, is smeared on bitten parts of the skin. This helps to clear up any infection and soothes the injured region.

Once stricken, the problem is to treat the infection and sores whilst avoiding any further fly infestations. A number of veterinary solutions are available to help with this. Most flea treatments are simply insufficient for the prevention of fly strike. Some horse fly treatments will work well enough for dogs. Veterinary advice is paramount as to the most suitable medication for your pet. Any treatments advised or supplied by your vet must be carried through as per the package instructions, or at the advice of the vet.

A number of preventative, pre-infection options are available from health food or hardware stores. Flies are adverse to citronella oil, tee tree oil, lavender, and garlic. Tee tree oil has the added advantages of natural anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. These substances may be applied without concern to the animal's coat in the areas where infestation tends to occur. It is essential to use only forms safe for humans. If nothing else is available, fly spray sprayed onto a cloth or cotton wool and wiped around the area prone to attack will help reduce or eliminate strikes. This is only appropriate if the area is out of licking range. A clove of garlic in their diet may also be a beneficial deterrent.

Some solutions work better than others do. Lavender scented hand wash, for example, works at repelling flies, but requires at least daily application. It is not a complete hindrance to flies but does dramatically lessen the problem.

Pre-infection treatments should be reapplied after the coat has been washed or if the animal has been swimming. Prevention is desirable, but if fly strike does develop, please take your dog to a veterinary as soon as possible.

Fly Strike On Dogs

Dog Food

Raw Foods That Hurt Your Thyroid

Have you heard of goitrogens? A Goitrogen is a substance in some foods that prevents the thyroid gland from working correctly by blocking the uptake of iodine. Iodine is essential for the production and activation of thyroid hormone and is one of the main minerals that helps speed up cellular metabolism.

Goitrogens get their name from the term "goiter," which is an enlargement of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland lies just above the collar bone in the neck area. If the thyroid gland is having difficulty making thyroid hormone, it may enlarge as a way of trying to compensate for inadequate hormone production and can be seen or felt as a soft pad about 2-5 inches in diameter on the neck, usually on one side but occasionally on both sides.

Dog Food

Goitrogens can induce hypothyroidism and goiter. I bring it up this month because often diet foods contains goitrogens. When eaten in large amounts, the dieter wonders what they are doing wrong and why they are not losing weight.

More than four cups/week of the following foods--in the RAW form only--will interfere with your thyroid gland function. You can eat as much of these foods cooked as you want to--except tofu and soy products which we will talk about later. The foods are: Brussels sprouts, cabbage of all kinds, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, peaches, pears, rapini (a vegetable similar to broccoli,) spinach, strawberries, radishes, rutabagas and turnips.

Other foods that have goitrogenic activity are soybeans (tofu), pine nuts, peanuts, millet, and rapeseed (Canola Oil.)

Goitrogenic foods are typically high in sulfur (especially the Brassiform family of plants such as kale, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kohlrabi and broccoli). Sulfur, copper, and iron interact with each other and need to be in perfect balance for everything to work correctly. So, some researchers think that when you eat an excess of sulfur, it competes with iron and copper and can cause anemia. This brings up a good question because LOTS of people are on MSM, Glucosamine sulfate and Chondroitin supplements lately which are all high in sulfur.

The main component in soy causing thyroid problems are isoflavones. Genistein is a soy isoflavone marketed as a hormone substitute for women and appears to reduce thyroid hormone output by blocking activity of an enzyme called thyroid peroxidase. This enzyme is responsible for adding iodine onto the thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones must typically have three or four iodine atoms added on to their structure in order to function properly so this enzyme is pretty important. Most goitrogens are inactivated with heat, but there is some evidence that isoflavones in soy are not heat inactivated.

Ask you can see, this stuff gets pretty complicated. We fix one thing in our world and several other challenges pop up!

While many hyperthyroid people try to limit thyroid output by restricting their iodine and eating more goitrogen foods, this strategy can backfire. Iodine restriction causes the thyroid to increase in size (goiter) in an effort to filter more blood to get more iodine. When iodine is then re-introduced to the diet or accidentally ingested, the thyroid now grows even larger than before because now it has a larger capacity to do so!

Therefore the consumption of goitrogens to control hyperthyroidism is not a good strategy. It is better to increase foods high in copper as well as increase copper's effectiveness to normalize the thyroid function. After that, the body will tolerate iodine without increasing thyroid hormone production.

Why is preventing thyroid disease so important? 2005 statistics for this disease show:

o Hypothyroidism affects over 11 million Americans (1999 statistics.)

o If untreated, hypothyroidism can lead to myxedema (retention of fluids under the skin) and eventually coma, which has a mortality rate of 80%.

o Nearly one out of 50 women in the United States is diagnosed with hypothyroidism during pregnancy.

o Six out of every 100 miscarriages are associated with thyroid hormone deficiencies during pregnancy. This seems to be the biggest thing I see in my own practice.

Foods that stimulate the thyroid gland include: caffeine (coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate,) avocado, coconut, and saturated fat. An overabundance of these foods in your diet are not good either.

I think the best way to handle these kinds of problems is to find out what the core cause is, correct that, minimize what you can, eliminate what you can and repair the damaged thyroid cells with protomorphogens and glandular supplements. If the client prefers to go the medical route and take drugs for the rest of their lives, the best bet is to get on a thyroid drug that seems to work and stay on it. Switching brands or changing protocols is just another bag of worms and causes even more problems. Armour thyroid seems to be the best drug for most of my clients.

Alternative therapies that seems to be working: A few minutes of heat applied to the thyroid gland for several months also helps. Some people also need a great mineral and vitamin program. One huge problem I see coming up is that we are exposing ourselves to excess stress from our busy lives and to lots of electromagnetic fields. Plasmas screen TV's, computer monitor screens, microwave ovens, cell phones and cell towers are a huge drain on the system and really disrupt the hormones.

I will say that once people get on thyroid medications, they seem to be on them for the long haul. It seems to be too much for them to drastically change their lifestyles. They can't seem to stick to a program that is working. They want to test the limits of it and end up crashing and going back on drugs. Thyroid hormone dips and peaks are just too stressful on the body to try to wean off thyroid drugs for most cases.

Raw Foods That Hurt Your Thyroid

Dog Food

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dog Not Urinating? Symptoms to Look For and What to Do

Dog not urinating? Since the urine is full of toxins, releasing them is essential to health and longevity. If your dog is having problems, there are a number of possible causes. In this article, you will learn what to look for and what to do when your dog seems to be having trouble with urination.

Urination problems can be due to a urinary tract infection, bladder stones, injury or age-related factors. Below is a brief description of each with a recommended course of action.

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Symptoms of a UTI include decreased (or increased) urination, excessive thirst, and/or incontinence. An infection in the urinary tract can spread to the kidneys and shut them down, so it is essential to get your dog to the vet. If your dog has a UTI, the vet will prescribe antibiotics which can cause side effects. Recommendation: give your dog a natural remedy (discussed below) which works like an antibiotic to clear up the infection and help the tissues heal.

Bladder Stones

Dog not urinating? Bladder stones could be the problem. Stones are made of bits of calcium that combine together. Symptoms include blood in the urine, pain during urination, urine that dribbles out, rather than being expelled in a healthy flow, excessive licking of the genitals and thick-looking urine. Although you will want to take your pet to the vet, consider a natural supplement that balances the urine pH to dissolve stones and prevent the formation of more stones in the future.


If your dog has been hit by a car or has suffered other injuries, this can cause urinary problems. Look for tenderness in the abdominal region or other signs of injury or distress. Take your dog to the vet immediately.

Old Dog Difficulty Urinating

When my old akita, Cochise, started having difficulty urinating at age 11, I researched solutions online and found a granular supplement that I could give my pet which worked both for treatment and prevention. All I did was sprinkle some granules in his mouth every day. Since they dissolved on contact with the salvia, they were easy to administer.

After talking to my naturopathic vet about the symptoms my dog had and how quickly they were resolved, the vet commented that by giving Cochise the supplement, I had probably added two years to his life.

Cochise died at age 13, which is pretty lifespan for a big dog. Best of all, since I did preventative care, I felt like I had done all I could to give him a good life.

Natural supplements work to keep the pH of the urine at proper levels to discourage the formation of bladder stones and urinary tract infections. Since they can be used for treatment and prevention, it makes sense to give your dog a supplement as part of his routine care. This way you can prevent painful dog not urinating problems.

Before giving your dog a supplement, make sure to do your research.

Dog Not Urinating? Symptoms to Look For and What to Do

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

Best Rated Dog Food

Most of the dog owners have a common question in their mind. What is the best rated dog food? Every dog owners are tried to ensure best possible care to their dog. Many commercial foods are available in the market. But almost everyone suggests homemade food is better for a dog's perfect growth. So owners need to be knowledgeable about dog's diet.

Two categories of dog foods are very much popular: Raw dog food and dry dog food. Many experts believe raw dog food is the best choice for selecting dog's diet. Raw dog food provides the necessary energy in dog's health and help in their proper growth. The ingredients in raw dog food are natural and uncompressed. A proper raw dog food is a mixture of meat, fiber and starch. Dogs love meats. Sometime owners give too much meat to their dogs. But they should keep in mind that vegetables are also very much essential for their perfect growth and prevent from diseases. So while preparing food mix some sort of vegetable along with the meats. Carrots, broccoli, yams are good source of fibers.

Dog Food

Feeding dry food to the dogs is most common and popular choice among the dog owners today. Most of the people at metro cities live a fast pace life today. Dry dog food is more convenient for them. But it's important to realize not all commercial food contain high quality natural ingredients. So if you decide to feed dry dog food to pets, you have to be very careful. Check the ingredients in the food by reading the label. Make sure there is no preservative or artificial color in the food. These things may be harmful for dogs in the future.

Best Rated Dog Food

Dog Food

Dog Labor Symptoms - 5 Ways to Know When Your Dog Will Give Birth

When you dog gives birth it can be a wonderful time, but there are also lots of worries that go with it. Many people find that one of the worst parts of a dog giving birth is unless you know what to look for, the owner has no idea when the birth will happen. In this article there are five clear ways to know when your dog will give birth.

Your dog may exhibit some or all of the following sings when in labor. Often there is a ten-fifteen minute gap between puppies being born.

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

Temperature drop Your dogs temperature may drop to around 97-98 degrees approximately, around 24 hours before giving birth. This is normal, and a good sign that your dog is going into labor so you can get prepared early! If your dog does not begin labor within a day of the temperature drop, you should contact your local vet. You can check your dogs temperature using a dog thermometer. Your dog refuses to eat Most bitches will refuse to eat before they go into labor, which obviously isn't normal for dogs. This can be another good early warning sign. Finding a den A natural reaction of most female dogs is to try and find a den or hideaway where they can give birth. A very common place is under your bed, as the dog feels safe and enclosed there. If possible, find a comfortable place beforehand where the birth can take place. Shivering and sickness Another dog labor symptom is when the dog begins to shiver and even vomit. This is completely normal, and the best thing you can do is make sure there is fresh water available at all times. Wanting you near The dog is likely to stare at you and want you near to her at all times. Like number three, this is a comfort thing.

Finally, go by your gut instinct! If your dog is acting strangely or differently, it is probably trying to tell you something.

Remember that dog pregnancies are quite short, only around 63 days, so make sure you are prepared in dog time. These are just some of the dog labor symptoms, and although common, it is not unheard of for labor to start almost unannounced.

Dog Labor Symptoms - 5 Ways to Know When Your Dog Will Give Birth

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

Finding the Best Puppy Food For Large Breed Pups

As a new puppy owner, one of the most important things on your 'to do' list is to find the best puppy food for your precious bundle of joy. BUT.... a trip to the local Pet superstore will soon show you just how difficult this task can be!

There are so many different brands and types of puppy food available, and they all claim to be the 'best', so how can you tell which one to use? Well, it's all about the ingredients... but before you go blind (or crazy) trying to read, and then decipher, the ingredient panels of twenty different dog food bags, just read this article and you'll know exactly what (and where) you should be looking.

Dog Food

Before we go into where and what to look for, here's where NOT to go.... the local grocery store, supermarket or dollar store! The generic, store brand puppy foods that you'll find there won't give your large breed (or any size for that matter!) puppy what he/she needs to grow and develop properly. You want to AVOID puppy and dog food that has a lot of cheap ingredients, artificial additives and preservatives, and other fillers or 'junk'.

So, where should you look? And what are you looking for? Here's a quick overview........

Some of the best puppy food brands can easily be found online. Other good places are good feed stores, and specialty pet stores or even your veterinarian's office. There are one or two excellent puppy foods that can be found at the major Pet superstores, but you need to know exactly which ones they are. (Don't worry, if you follow the link at the bottom of this article, you'll find a list of the best puppy food on the market and which one/s can be found locally)

This may sound like it's a problem, but choosing and ordering puppy and dog food online is actually quick and easy, its' even delivered right to your door. Great news when you have a large breed pup that eats a LOT of food.

Now, let's take a look at the ingredients found in the best puppy food choices, so you know which foods to be ordering.

One of the first two (or three tops) ingredients should be a good source of protein. Real meat, not meat by-products or grain. All natural, human grade or organic ingredients. Natural preservatives. One or two grains. Too many can cause allergies, and certain grains such as wheat are common triggers.

Large breed puppies grow very quickly, but they mature slowly. A food too calorie dense, or too high in protein or calcium can cause too-rapid growth and this often results in bone/joint problems as the pup develops. The best puppy food choices that are specifically designed for large breed puppies are careful to keep the correct balance of nutrients so that these problems don't arise.

Also, it's important not to overfeed a large or giant breed puppy! Many times they go through an awkward 'gangly' sort of stage, and it's tempting to try to 'fatten them up'. But this is a mistake! Research indicates that many of the developmental problems mentioned above can often be a direct result of overfeeding too.

Because large breed pups can take up to 2 years or longer before they reach adulthood, they need to be kept on a puppy food for longer than small breeds. Once mature, they can switch over to an adult 'maintenance' food, but be sure it's still formulated specifically for large breeds, and that it fits all the rules for quality given above.

Feed a puppy three times a day when he's between 8 and 14 weeks old, then twice a day until he's fully mature. After that, most big dogs do fine on one meal a day - with maybe a couple of dog biscuits at bed time.

Taking a bit of extra time and trouble to find the best puppy food for your big guy or gal is important, so don't skimp on it! A properly fed puppy is likely to grow and develop into a healthy, happy adult and have less health problems during his/her lifetime. This will save on vets bills, and heartache, so a little extra cost now is worth it!

Finding the Best Puppy Food For Large Breed Pups

Dog Food

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dog Food: Do Weight Loss Formulas Really Work?

If your dog's veterinarian has informed you that he is overweight, you will more than likely be changing his diet. Luckily, there are many quality pet food brands that offer weight loss formulas to help get the weight off of your four legged friend. But do these weight loss formulas really work?

Companies who specialize in weight loss formulas claim that their food will help your dog achieve a healthy weight. After reading many reviews from pet owners who have trusted these brands to help get the weight off, it is safe to say that light food that is geared towards losing weight does work. If your pooch needs to lose weight, you can go with a low calorie food available at your local pet store. You will see results!

Dog Food

What is so different about "diet" dog food?"

A dog's losses weight in a similar way as humans. When we diet we need fewer calories and less fat. This is exactly what weight loss formulas contain. To be approved as a diet food, weight loss formulas cannot contain a large number of calories. Many formulas focus on fiber so that the dog has the illusion of feeling full. Diet dog food still contains the vitamins and nutrients that your dog needs. He is just consuming fewer calories. Many dog owners feel that they can simply cut back the amount of food that their dog consumes during the day. While this does help the dog lose weight, the dog's health could be compromised because he could be missing out of key nutrients. Vets often recommend choosing a weight loss formula that will help your dog lose weight.

Where can I get it?

People are paying more attention to their pet's health. If a vet says that the dog should be on a lower calorie diet, owners are often quick to comply. As dogs get older and become less active, they will need fewer calories. Because of these facts, dog food with fewer calories is widely available. It is fairly easy to find a quality low calorie dog food in your local pet store or at large chain stores. Super premium brands may be a little more difficult to find. You may have to turn to online options when purchasing super premium dog food that contains a limited number of calories.

If your pet needs to lose weight, consider choosing a dog food that offers a weight loss formula. Gradually change your dog's diet. Begin by slowly mixing in the new food with the old. A sudden change in diet could cause your dog to have digestive problems. A gradual changing of the food will allow his stomach to adjust to the new food. When the change is complete, your dog will be on his way to losing weight. Ask your dog's veterinarian for more information on how you can help your dog lose weight. Diet and exercise will be key to getting him where he needs to be.

Dog Food: Do Weight Loss Formulas Really Work?

Dog Food

Pet Food Charities On Hand To Help You Feed Your Animals

Food prices are on the rise globally, cost of living on the increase and if you have a pet or two, we have the added burden of feeding them to. Like many people uncertain of the economy, I have started to economize and that includes on food for the dog, fortunately I recently stumbled across a charity that helps with my pet food bills.

Not only do such donation sites have food for your animals, they may also have pet supplements. A lot of animals need good quality nutritional supplements to maintain impeccable health. Vitamins and minerals are the supplements that some donation sites might provide, but being a charity, its not like walking into a store, supplies can be limited.

Dog Food

If you have an overabundance of dog food or cat food available, please donate it to a reputable donation site. Non-prescription, unopened nutritional supplements can also be donated. Brand new, non-prescription flea and tick medication and flea collars are good things to donate as well. If you don't have any dog or cat food to donate, consider buying some in order to donate it to a charitable donation centre.

If you cannot locate a charity in your area, check outside the area you live in. Sometimes they aren't very willing to donate to people that live outside the town or city that they are located in, but there are definitely some places out there that aren't as finicky about what location you live in. If you have to travel many miles in order to get the free food and supplements, consider mentioning this fact to the person running the charity.

They may be willing to give you more food and supplements for your pet if they know the fuel costs involved in driving to their location. Be sure to thank the person or people who are running the charity for their community charitable work. Anyone who runs a donation centre to help feed animals is running a great program, and they deserve a lot of thanks for doing so.

If there is not a charity in your area, consider starting one yourself. Depending on where you live, you may need to get an official license from your state, city or township to run a donation charity. If you end up needing a charitable organization license, do make sure you are granted one before you go ahead with the donation centre plans.

Once you start running the facility, you will find that you need to seek out donations of pet food and other items. Some stores may be willing to donate cat or dog food to a charitable organization that helps feed the pets in their area.

Pet Food Charities On Hand To Help You Feed Your Animals

Dog Food

What is the Best Human Grade Dog Food?

If you're looking for the best human grade dog food, Life's Abundance Dog Food rates right at the top. It is made by the highest standards at a human grade facility plant and contains all human grade ingredients.

So, what is human grade dog food? By simple definition, it is a food that a human could actually eat! It is made and supervised under FDA inspection and every ingredient in it must be approved for human consumption before it can even come in to the dog food manufacturing facility. Some companies even have it tasted by humans as part of the quality control!

Dog Food

The best human grade dog food will be APHIS certified. This is the certification used in Europe for all pet foods. The Aphis certification has much tighter regulations than the US when it comes to the manufacturing of dog food. Life's Abundance dog food is certified by both the U.S. and Europe.

There are many manufacturers in the U.S. that choose to use the bare minimums required by law when it comes to what goes in a dog food. There are huge profits to made in this industry and by using inferior ingredients that are cheaper, more profit can be made. Because of the current regulations they are allowed by law to do this and you can usually tell if a food is poor quality by looking at the bag and seeing if it has the word "by products" in it.

Life's Abundance dog food does rate right at the top as one of the best human grade dog foods on the market today. It has quality protein, fresh vegetables, plenty of vitamins, minerals, and antioxoidants. So just remember, no matter what kind of dog food you decide to use, be sure and do your homework and read your labels make SURE you are getting a quality dog food.

What is the Best Human Grade Dog Food?

Dog Food

Dog Food Nutrition - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Good dog food nutrition is a tough find these days, especially in today's world of manipulative marketing techniques. With some dog food comparisons, your canine friend may still lack what he or she needs to be healthy. This article should explain a lot about optimal nutrition.

Your pooch has to have essential nutrients to stay vibrant and healthy, but a very slim minority of us know exactly what a healthy pet food is! Most of us rely on our pets canned, home-cooked, raw or dry dog food to deliver the right amount of pet nutrition, but the fact is that many of these brands don't come close to being an optimal diet for dogs.

Dog Food

When it comes to natural nutrition for dogs, there are six elements you have to keep in mind. These are minerals, proteins, vitamins, fat, carbohydrates and finally, water. By making sure your pet gets enough of these nutrients, your dog will have the greatest odds of living a healthy, long and happy life.

If you buy commercial quality dog food, or fix your dog home cooked food, keep in mind that protein should make up about 50% of your dogs diet. Grab the good quality protein - no "meat byproducts" which you mostly find as major ingredients in the majority of cheaper commercial pet foods. Beef, chicken, fish and lamb may be fed to your pet for optimal nutrition.

Make sure to include a little fat in a natural dog food nutrition diet. Yes, they get fat from meat, but you should also give them an oil supplement of fish oil, flaxseed oil, safflower oil or olive oil which will leave their fur and skin shiny and healthy.

I used to think of dogs as straight carnivores, but you should really give them a wide range of foods and carbohydrates, this is an important part of canine nutrition. Yes, the main ingredient in quality dog chow needs to be some kind of meat, but also make sure they get some grains - brown rice, barley and oats are what they should get but you'll probably see corn or soy in most dog food brands and these can actually be very unhealthy.

If you really want to give your pooch good dog food nutrition, give him some vegetables and fruits. Allowing your canine buddy to eat these kinds of foods will provide them with quality minerals and vitamins, if you give them raw vegetables and fruits this will provide critical digestive enzymes.

Last but not least, constantly provide your dog with an ample amount of fresh, preferably filtered water. A well hydrated puppy is a healthy and happy puppy.

Dog nutrition is so important, but it's easy as long as you put in some up front time. There are some commercial foods out on the market that provide good nutrition for dogs but not many. So when you compare dog food, you just need to do a little research to discover the truly healthy foods. There are many great books and reports on this subject written by some of the world's top pet health researchers and holistic veterinarians.

Dog Food Nutrition - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Dog Food

Dangerous Dog Food

If you love your pet dog so much then you should be very aware about the things that can be harmful for them and dangerous dog foods has to be high on your list. Aside from letting dogs run in the streets wildly which can eventually get them hit by a car, foods you may serve to reward them or maintain their healthy well-being can be the one that can take them to a hazardous point in their life. So it would be best to have a food checklist on dangerous dog foods.

What may seem to be the kind of dangerous dog foods can be surprisingly normal everyday foods that we humans eat without any ill-effects. Even though there are the likes of natural foods like onions, garlic, raisin, and grapes; they can be good for you but for your dog they can be plain toxic. These are the ones responsible for building up internal complications that involves kidney failure. Also another natural food, the avocado is poisonous, as dogs find the pit of the fruit to be chewable. Well, we can't blame them for having that instinct to chew on things, I'm sure you'll be delighted yourself to chew on an avocado pit if you were a dog. Since before you eat avocados, you remove the pit because it is not edible, same goes for dogs.

Dog Food

Mess created by dogs like their poop can be very annoying and is something that you really would want to avoid. If your dog has diarrhea, you know the mess would really be obnoxious. To avoid having such cases, refrain from feeding them with dairy products like milk and cheese. Liver can be good for your dog but it also contributes to them having diarrhea having an overdose of its content.

Your dog's balanced diet should always be considered to have them live a long healthy life. It is very beneficial for them and for you too. Being your buddy to protect you from strangers or just for some fun run in the morning or late afternoon, it is always crucial to have them fed with choice food. Meat can be of help to have a dog's balanced diet. What you have to consider before giving them a slab is that it has no bones with it. I know you've been very familiar with how cartoons gave dogs an image that they love bones. Actually, bones can be the cause of damaging their own system leading to a fatal condition. But for a fact, dogs love to chew on bones, much like you having to go gaga over chocolates.

Speaking of chocolates, never share a piece or a whole bar with your canine friend. Chocolates are a part of the dangerous dog foods checklist as they slow down their metabolism, leading to heart complications, central nervous system malfunction, and kidney failure. Good thing about chocolates is that they just make you fat.

Rewards wise, it is best to give your pet dog some dog munch that can be purchased on pet stores. These are snacks that are biscuit like which aids in boosting their motivation when you train them. You can always find an alternative for rewards but don't put nuts on the list. It often leads them to some unpleasant condition. Keep them away from macadamia nuts as it brings about tremors and weakening of their system.

There is widespread concern among some experts, that some commercial dog foods contain potentially lethal chemicals, which are not eliminated by the rendering process. They strongly recommend that dogs are not fed exclusively on commercial dog food but that their diet is supplemented with fresh or home-made food.

Dangerous Dog Food

Dog Food

Is A Premium Dog Food Really That Much Better For Your Dog?

==========The Scoop on Premium Dog Food========

If you're interested in premium dog food, then I probably don't have to tell you about the importance of diet in keeping your dog active and healthy. You already know you want something better than "average" for your furry friend.

Dog Food

But how much do you really know about what's in a premium food and what your particular pet's needs are? I'm no veterinarian but I do know a thing or two about health and nutrition. (As a family dentist who practiced for twenty years, I saw first hand the effects of poor dietary habits on human health -- and particularly on human teeth!!).

Like you, your dog has to deal with the effects of stress, age, exertion, a polluted environment, and foods grown in nutrient-depleted soils. Unlike you, he has to get practically all of his nutrition from a single food. Sure, you may give him a few treats or the occasional table scrap (not too many I hope!), but otherwise he's eating out of the same bag or can day in and day out. You want him to get complete nutrition out of that one food.

===========Complete Nutrition?===============

Even the experts seem to disagree on exactly what complete nutrition is. Maybe this explains why there are so many formulas for premium dog food out there. There's one thing they do agree on, though: premium dog food is better for your pet than economy and grocery store brands. Although you'll pay more, it usually holds true that you get what you pay for.

Experts also agree that, because premium foods are more nutritionally dense and easier to digest, your dog won't need to eat as much. One study even concluded that if you fed your dog the recommended amounts on each package, you'd end up saving money on the premium formulas. That's because your dog needs to eat a lot less of it. (You'll save on pooper scoopers too!)

Another way to know if your dog is getting a proper diet is simply to observe him. Are his eyes bright, his coat silky and shiny, and his skin free from dryness and itching? Is he at a healthy weight? How about his energy level? This may vary from one animal to another, but as you get to know yours, you'll know when your dog isn't feeling up to par.

Of course, any persistent health problems should be looked into by your vet, and the same goes for any special dietary needs. But in general you'll know if your friend is doing well on the diet you're feeding him. If you see signs that he isn't, try a different formula or another brand of premium dog food.

Introduce new foods gradually, especially if you have a picky eater. And while we're on that subject, it's always nice if your dog enjoys eating his food. This has a lot less to do with taste than it does with smell. Dogs have fewer taste buds than we do, but about 40 times as many scent receptors. So make sure he eats with gusto, and doesn't just pick at his food.
Here are some basic guidelines you can follow:

============Essential Nutrients=============

Every dog needs the right amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Your dog must have all these in correct proportions to stay healthy. Needs vary with life stage, breed and activity level. Dog food companies make premium dog food for all life stages, from puppy to senior. An average adult dog needs a daily intake of about five ounces for every ten pounds of weight, with essential nutrients in the following proportions:

Protein --23% of total intake

Fats --5% of total intake

Carbohydrates --65% of total intake

Additional vitamins and minerals your dog needs are: Vitamins A, D, E, B-complex, Niacin, Biotin, Folic Acid, Choline, and Pantothenic Acid; Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium Chloride, Magnesium, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Iodine, and Selenium.

It's generally agreed that dogs do better on a protein source that's primarily meat rather than soybeans and grains. Check the label. All US food labels must list ingredients in order of their quantity. If meat by-products are listed, they should come after the real meat, not before it. Meat by products are an inferior source of protein, and are basically what remains after the good quality meat has been removed. "Crude protein" can be a similarly poor source, since it may include parts of the animal that can't even be digested or absorbed by the average dog (hair, beaks, etc.).

Omega fatty acids are a hot topic in human nutrition these days, and have been found to be just as important in the canine diet. Both should be present, and in the right ratio. Most premium dog food companies have done the research on this and adjusted the ratios, but as usual, ask your vet if your uncertain.

===========Wet vs. Dry============

You can buy premium dog food in just about any form, but which one is best? Again, most experts seem to agree. Dry food is less likely to allow plaque to accumulate on the teeth, less likely to harbor bacteria if left out too long, and results in firmer, more compact stools. Semi-moist foods are convenient but for some reason (I'm not sure what) don't offer the same nutritional benefits as premium kibble or canned foods.

That said, I have also heard arguments suggesting that a diet of exclusively dry food can be a strain on a dog's kidneys. So, to be on the safe side, check with your vet.

===========Life Stages============

Puppies need more calories and essential nutrients than adult dogs. They need up to twice as many calories per ounce of body weight and should get 25% to 30% of their energy from protein depending on the breed.

Most premium dog food brands take this into account in their puppy formulas, but it doesn't hurt to check the label. By six to eight weeks of age a puppy should be fully weaned and eating his dry food consistently. After that, different breeds reach their mature weight at different rates, by anywhere from 9 months to 24 months old. So it's hard to give an age or weight by which you should take your pet off puppy food. Again, your vet can help out here.

Also, remember not to try to "rush" the growing process by overfeeding. If she grows too fast, a dog can develop bone growth diseases. A puppy should get three to four meals a day because he's growing fast but still has a small tummy, but don't overdo it with portions size.

Adult dogs need to eat according to their size and energy requirements and should be fed two meals a day. This is frequently referred to by the premium dog food companies as a "maintenance diet".

Unlike cats, dogs are not strictly meat eaters. In fact, a dog is more like an omnivore and will eat just about anything, whether it's good for him or not! A certain amount of vegetable matter is part of a dog's natural diet. Dogs love vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, zucchini, peas, and beans, and fruits such as bananas, apples, and melon. These make great low-calorie treats, too!

One thing you should never feed your dog is chocolate--it contains a chemical called theobromine which is toxic to dogs.

Senior dogs need a premium dog food that will help head off and manage the effects of aging. Since different breeds vary so much, it's hard to give an age by which you should switch to a senior diet. The ASPCA recommends using weight as a guideline, and offers the following:

Small breeds or dogs weighing less than 20 pounds:7 years of age

Medium breeds or dogs weighing 21 to 50 pounds:7 years of age

Large breeds or dogs weighing 51 to 90 pounds:6 years of age

Giant breeds or dogs weighing 91 pounds or more:5 years of age

The ASPCA recommends that you begin dealing with the symptoms of old age before they're obvious. Just like us, dogs will begin to accumulate more body fat as they age even as they consume fewer calories. (At least we're not alone!). Muscle mass will tend to decrease, but this doesn't mean you should lower your older dog's protein intake. If anything, protein is more important than ever to help maintain muscle mass, so avoid senior dog food formulas with reduced protein.

One thing you will want to feed him less of is calories. Obesity is a real problem with adult dogs, and many owners don't even realize their dog is overweight. Aside from portion size and calorie content, one way to avoid an overweight dog is to resist giving him table scraps. Most human food isn't good for your dog.

===========How Much to Feed============

How's your dog's weight? You should be able to feel your dog's backbone and ribs with light finger pressure, but not actually see them. If you have to "dig" to find them, your dog is overweight and if you can actually see her ribs, she's underweight.

If you're not sure how much to feed, you'll love the interactive Dog Food Calculator on PetsMart's home page! It's the result of considerable research that has been published in scientific journals and accepted by industry experts. You can determine the right amount of food to feed your dog and find out how long that 40-lb bag will last!


If you're all ready feeding a nutritionally complete premium dog food, do you still need supplements? This is another hotly debated topic. As a rule, it seems that most dogs do just fine without supplements. For certain dogs and certain conditions supplements can make a differenced. For example, a dog who isn't thriving and there's no other medical explanation for it might improve with supplements. Or, dogs with certain skin conditions have been known to improve on supplements. Since there's a danger of doing more harm than good, you should definitely discuss supplements with your vet.

If you do decide to use one, pick one that's made from natural sources and is designed as a multivitamin formulated specifically for dogs. That way she'll get everything in the right amounts and ratios. Add it to the diet twice weekly so you won't overwhelm or suppress your dog's own internal regulating mechanisms.

=======Special Diets==========

There are many reasons why a dog might be put on a special diet. Some dogs are very sensitive to certain ingredients in commercial dog foods. Even if you're feeding her the best of premium dog food, if your dog isn't thriving, it's possible her diet is a problem for her. Owners have resorted to alternative diets -- holistic, raw foods, even kosher -- to optimize their pet's health. Some choose these diets simply because they believe they're better, not because their dog is having any issues.

We'll discuss special diets in a future article. For now, I hope you've gained some useful insights about the benefits of premium dog food over and above economy brands.

Is A Premium Dog Food Really That Much Better For Your Dog?

Dog Food

Five Most Deadly Plants for Dogs

Most of us (and our dogs) love summer and the chance to be outside and
to travel both locally and across the country.

With that, however, Louise Louis of reminds dog owners
that we need to be aware of potential dangers to our canine
companions in unfamiliar areas.

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has
identified five common plants as being the most dangerous to dogs.

1. Lilies - These are No. 1 on the Most Dangerous List and about 45% of the
calls to the ASPCA poison hotline concern ingestion of these flowers.

Lilies are common in gardens and floral bouquets but even a small amount eaten
by a dog can cause kidney damage. Lilies are even more dangerous to cats.

2. Azaleas - These are found in the woods and mountain regions on both coasts.
Severe azalea poisoning can lead to coma and death. Even smaller amounts can
cause vomiting, drooling, diarrhea, weakness and central nervous system depression.

3. Oleanders - This is a common landscaping plant. Unfortunately, every part of
it is toxic. Symptoms of oleander poisoning include abdominal distress, hypothermia,
and stomach distress. It can be fatal.

4. Sago palms - These ornamental plants are popular in the South. All parts of
this palm are poisonous, however, but the seeds are the most toxic. Ingestion can
produce vomiting, diarrhea, depression, seizure and liver failure.

b>5. Castor beans - Another popular ornamental plant in the south. The seeds,
leaves and steam of the plant contain ricin (remember the poison attack on
Japanese subway) and may produce abdominal pain, drooling, vomiting diarrhea,
excessive thirst, weakness and appetite loss.

Please be aware of these plants and keep them out of your yard.

Should dog ingest any of these - or other unknown plants - contact the ASPCA
poison hotline 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at (888) 426-4435.

A consultation fee may be charged to your credit card.

Five Most Deadly Plants for Dogs

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

Trouble With Digesting Nuts

How to Digest Nuts Better: Behind the Scenes

Salting, roasting, toasting, soaking - what helps, what hinders and why do so many people have problems with eating nuts? Here is a step by step breakdown of the digestive process, and how nuts are impacted by one's digestive system.

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

How Digestion Breaks Down Nuts in Stages

Roughly a three-stage process, digestion begins in the mouth, when as you are chewing, enzymes in the saliva begin to break down the starch in foods. Later, enzymes in the stomach begin to release or unfasten the bonds (chemical in nature) that hold the proteins in food together. Still more enzymes in the intestines, together with bile, continue to break down foods (and nuts), working on the protein, starches and fats.

Not all materials can be broken down by the body, however, and high on the list is fiber, which is not digestible. Fiber makes its way through the intestines, only partially broken down by the bacteria in the colon; this process is again aided by the production of enzymes in this part of the body. Comparatively, starches are broken down in a couple of hours or less, while proteins take at least that long, and may stay in the body for upwards of 5 hours. Fat takes even longer, which means that high fat meals stay in the body for potentially many hours.

How Nuts Are Composed: Proteins and Fiber

High in both fiber and protein (as well as healthy fat - upwards of fifty percent), most tree nuts also contain a good deal of protein (10-20%). The fiber content in nuts is also significant, amounting to upwards of ten percent of their nutritional make-up. Nuts make up an excellent source of nutrition and sustained energy for these very reasons: the fiber and healthy fat contents, along with the protein, all make for a slow digestion cycle in the body.

Digesting Nuts: How Preparation Might Factor In

As mentioned earlier, cooking methods like roasting or baking can also influence the how your body successfully (or otherwise) digests nuts. Any type of cooking essentially breaks down food at a chemical level, in a way not dissimilar to the body's own methods. The lower the temperature, the better the process aids the body itself in further breaking down and digesting the food. High-temperature baking and cooking destroys many of these same chemical bonds. The good fats to be found in nuts are among these bonds that are destroyed in high-temperature cooking.

Other Compounds Found in Nuts, and Digestion

Tannins, found in nuts, are naturally occurring complex polyphenolics, and are often found in woody plants. Polyphenolics are simply natural antioxidants that comprise an organic defense for plants; these may also be good for human health. The tannins' main function in nature is a protective one, as their bitter taste deters many animals from eating the foods that contain them. For example, walnuts are chief among the foods high in tannin. Additionally, tannins are contained in cashews, pistachios, pecans and the skins of almonds and peanuts.

These same tannins are heat-resistant, so even high temperature baking and roasting does not break them down, which partially explains why the nuts might give some people trouble when digesting. The fibrous quality of nuts, given the intestine's inability to completely break down fiber, also explains why there may be some trouble digesting nuts. Gas is produced by the intestine in many cases as some of the colon's bacteria attempts to break down whatever parts of the fiber that it can.

Cooking, Roasting, Baking: Digestion Helpers With Nuts?

Cooking nuts in a variety of fashions, to recap, does aid in breaking down the starch elements of the the nuts' nutritional make-up. However, the very elements that might increase difficulty in digestion, the high proteins, tannins and fiber, still produce problems for many. The plant protein-rich quality of nuts may prove to be handled well by the stomach, though in many cases, where the pancreas aids in the process, the roasting of the nuts can help improve nuts' digestibility.

Digesting Nuts May Be Slow, But Benefits Are High

It is the healthy fats found in nuts that end up contributing to the slowing down of digestion the most. This is especially true when compared to how quickly the body may break down foods that are high in carbohydrates, like breads and fruits. The fiber in nuts is generally what gives a feeling of fullness, but the gas that is produced in the intestines as some bacteria attempt to break down the nut's fiber may also promote a full feeling. Eating too many nuts at a time (beyond two servings) may produce many of the symptoms and effects mentioned above, leading a person to feel full and perhaps suffer mild indigestion. The reality is that the proteins, fiber and healthy fats are the cause - not over-eating.

Benefits of Soaking and Re-hydrating Nuts

Soaking nuts like almonds and cashews in filtered water re-hydrates them. (To find out even more on Re-hydrating Nuts [], read this Green Eggs and Planet post.) Beyond the enriched flavor and new texture, the process also removes chemicals known as enzyme inhibitors. These chemicals are natural, and exist for the purpose of protecting the nut until it is the appropriate time for it to sprout. When you soak the nuts in water, the fluids release the enzyme inhibitors and wash them away. For those who experience a bit of trouble when digesting dried nuts, removing the enzyme inhibitors (which can make the nut difficult to digest) may solve the problem.

Other options to aid in digestion include eating raw nuts in smaller portions, to maximize the healthy benefits of the nuts while minimizing the pain of indigestion, or lightly roasting nuts to begin the process of chemically breaking down the nuts. Avoid commercially roasted nuts, however, as the high temperatures (+170F) cause a breakdown of the fats in nuts, thus producing free radicals that are harmful to the body.

Trouble With Digesting Nuts

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

Monday, January 23, 2012

Yorkshire Terriers - How To Feed Your Yorkie If She is A Picky Eater

Yorkshire terriers can be very finicky eaters. If your Yorkie is a picky eater you will want to make sure that she is getting the proper nutrition. Here are some things to watch out for when feeding your Yorkshire terrier:

· If you have had your Yorkie since she was a puppy you are already familiar with her eating habits. On the other hand, if you get an adult dog as a pet, you may not know the eating history of your pet.

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

· Ask your veterinarian about what should be feeding your Yorkie. Your vet will be able to look at your dog's history and determine which foods are best.

· Avoid feeding her canned food exclusively. Soft food will weaken your dog's teeth and lead to tooth loss. Dogs that lose too many teeth have a greater chance of becoming malnourished. If you are using canned food, be sure to mix it with dry food so that your Yorkshire terrier will be able to chew and maintain good dental health.

· Be very careful about giving your dog human food from the table. There are many foods that can make your Yorkie sick, causing vomiting, diarrhea, and allergic reactions. It's nice to give your pets a treat now and then, but resist the urge to share your food with your pet.

· Maintain a strict schedule for feeding your dog. Dogs are like children in that they crave structure and consistency. Decide if you will feed your Yorkie once or twice a day, what time you will give her the food, and then stick to this schedule. Allow a set amount of time for her to eat and then remove the food dish. Fifteen minutes should be long enough for her to eat as much as she wants. Do not leave food out throughout the day. If you have more than one dog, be sure to feed them separately.

These are some tips on feeding your Yorkshire terrier. Training your Yorkie will help to ensure a pleasant experience for both you and your pet.

Yorkshire Terriers - How To Feed Your Yorkie If She is A Picky Eater

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

The Chihuahua Pomeranian Hybrid Dog Mix

Sometimes called a Pomchi or even a Chiranian, the Chihuahua Pomeranian mix is not a breed itself, but is a mixture of a Pomeranian and a Chihuahua. Mixing these two breeds can make for a pretty darn cute little dog!

This mixed breed dog weighs between 5 and 12 pounds and is a short dog that is intelligent and alert often having the sweet expression characteristic of both sides of its lineage. He has a short body and a rounded wedge-shaped head with round eyes that should not protrude too much like that of some Chihuahuas. The tail is medium in length and is carried in the loop over the back or flat but should never be tucked between the legs.

Dog Food

Since the Chihuahua Pomeranian mix can be the product of a shorthaired or long hair to allow a bit type of coach you may get with this dog can be varied. The coat could be a double coat like that found on the Pomeranian or it could be a single coat. It is usually at least medium length, although I do see some that have short hair much like a short haired Chihuahua. They usually have quite a furry tail typical of the Pomeranian.

The Pomchi can be any color much like its parent's. Common color variations include party college, sable, solid and merle.

Although each dog is individual, generally the Chihuahua Pomeranian mix will have much the same personality traits of his parents. In general both Chihuahuas and Pomeranians are very intelligent dogs that love to be with their family and are great lapdogs. They can learn tricks very easily, however house training may be a challenge. When training any small dog like this you need to remember that training with kindness is best. These tiny creatures do not respond well to punishment and positive reinforcement is your best bet to get your Ponchi house broken.

A Pomeranian Chihuahua mix that is long-haired will require more grooming than a short haired dog. You will probably need to trim the hair that grows out in between the pads on the bottom of his dainty little feet as well as a little sani-trim under the tail.

Another thing to watch out for in grooming is the gunk that can accumulate around their eyes. You want to be very careful that this does not build up as it can turn into a hardened glob that is nearly impossible to get off and you can actually hurt your dog when trying to remove it. Your best bet is to gently clean around the eyes each night, being careful not to poke your dog in the by, and this will help stop any buildup from accumulating as well as help to take care of any tears staining in the fur around the eyes.

As with many toy dogs, this mix will also have to have a good dental program in place. This includes not only taking him to the vet once a year to have his teeth checked and to have any tartar scraped, but also regular brushing. Bacteria buildup on the teeth is a common problem of small dogs they can be very hazardous to their health so it's worth it for you to get your Pomchi used to having his teeth brushed. If you use a flavored toothpaste that he likes you may even find he looks forward to it every night!

Hybrid dog mixes are becoming more and more popular and the American Canine Hybrid Club has even recognized the Chihuahua Pomeranian mix and given it the name "Chiranian". There is even a special club for this hybrid called the Pomchi Club Of America.

The Chihuahua Pomeranian Hybrid Dog Mix

Dog Food

20 Facts to Know About Antibiotics

Antibiotics play a very foremost role of modern medicine. These medications are used to fight many infections caused by bacteria. The following facts about antibiotics will help you understand how these drugs work, their inherent side effects and the point of taking antibiotics as directed by your doctor.

Antibiotics belong to a class of drugs called Antimicrobials. Other drugs in this group include antifungals, antiprotozoals and antivirals. Antibiotics are medicines that kill bacteria. These drugs do not work on viruses. A bacterium is a living, reproducing lifeform. A virus is just a piece of Dna (or Rna). A virus injects its Dna into a living cell and has that cell reproduce more of the viral Dna. With a virus there is nothing to "kill," so antibiotics don't work on it. There are many types of antibiotics. Each works a slight differently and acts on distinct types of bacteria. Some antibiotics are efficient against only clear types of bacteria; others can effectively fight a wide range of bacteria. While the use of antibiotics did not begin in the 20th century, early folk treatment included the use of mouldy foods or soil for infections. In old Egypt, for example, infections were treated with mouldy bread. Originally noticed by a French curative student, Ernest Duchesne, in 1896, penicillin was re-discovered by bacteriologist Alexander Fleming working at St. Mary's Hospital in London in 1928. He observed that a plate culture of Staphylococcus had been contaminated by a blue-green mold and that colonies of bacteria adjacent to the mold were being dissolved. A broad spectrum antibiotic is one that can kill many distinct types of bacteria. A broad spectrum antibiotic is beneficial for treating infections that might be caused by many distinct types of bacteria such as ear infections. A narrow spectrum antibiotic is one that kills only a small collection of germs. Antibiotics must be taken for the full number of time prescribed by your doctor. Many times, patients will stop the use of an antibiotic when they begin to feel best and it seems that the illness has gone. However, even after the symptoms are gone, the bacteria may still be gift in small amounts and an infection can return if use of the antibiotic is stopped. Not completing the prescribed dose also may promote resistance. There are two major drawbacks of antibiotics: Bacterial resistance Harmful side effects Bacteria may be naturally resistant to distinct classes of antibiotics or may regain resistance from other bacteria straight through exchange of resistant genes. Antibiotics commonly are safe. The most coarse side effects of antibiotics include stomach upset, nausea, and diarrhea. An increased sensitivity to sunlight is coarse with tetracyclines (e.g. doxycycline, minocycline) and fluoroquinolones (e.g. Ciprofloxacin , ofloxacin, levofloxacin). Although most side-effects may be mild in appearance, some may be severe like allergic reactions and it may even be life-threatening allergic reactions. Should you perceive any unexpected reaction to an antibiotic you use for the first time, immediately consult with your health professional. Antibiotics can kill most of the bacteria in your body that are sensitive to them, along with "good" bacteria. By destroying the bacterial balance, they may cause stomach upsets, diarrhea, yeast infections or other problems. Any antibiotic can suppress the healthy bacteria in your colon. Regularly this qoute surfaces when the newer, more suited antibiotics are prescribed, or when multiple antibiotics are used for serious infections. Approximately any antibiotic can cause antibiotic-associated colitis (also called pseudomembranous colitis, or Clostridium difficile colitis)., but the following have been involved in most cases: clindamycin, lincomycin, ampicillin, cephalosporins. The aminoglycosides (amikacin, gentamicin), erythromycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin , levofloxacin) seem less likely to be the cause. Antibiotic associated diarrhea can occur within two days of completing a course of antibiotics or even up to six weeks later. The risk of antibiotic associated diarrhea rises with how often and how long the antibiotics are taken. Even the most gentle antibiotics, given for a short period of time, can occasionally lead to this problem. Therefore, if you have new symptoms of diarrhea, it is foremost that you make your doctor aware of any antibiotics you may have taken in the last any months. Yeast Overgrowth. One of the most coarse side effects of antibiotics is yeast overgrowth. Women who use antibiotics often produce bowel and vaginal yeast infections. Children treated repeatedly with antibiotics for ear infections often produce yeast and fungal infections of the middle ear. Antibiotics can, in some cases, hinder the immune response. For example, children given amoxicillin for continuing earaches suffer two to six times the rate of recurrent middle ear effusion than children who took a placebo. Agreeing to Carol Jessop, Md, Clinical Professor at the University of California at San Francisco, 80% of her patients who suffer from continuing fatigue syndrome (or continuing fatigue immunodeficiency syndrome) had a history of recurrent antibiotics treatment as a child, youthful or adult. Antibiotics will not cure viral illnesses, such as: Colds or flu Most coughs and bronchitis Sore throats not caused by strep Runny noses Stomach flu (viral gastroenteritis) Some ear infections When are antibiotics necessary? Here are a few examples: Ear infections - there are any types; many need antibiotics, but some do not. Sinus infections - most children with thick or green mucus do not have sinus infections. Antibiotics are needed for some long-lasting or severe cases. Strep throat - this health must be diagnosed by a laboratory test. Urinary tract infections Many wound and skin infections Sometimes it is very hard to tell when an illness is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. A test called a culture should be done to rule which bacteria, if any, are responsible for your illness. Without a culture, your health care supplier must pick an antibiotic based on an educated guess of what bacteria are most likely to be causing your illness. Sometimes, those educated guesses are wrong. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria convert in a way that reduces or eliminates the effectiveness of antibiotics. These resistant bacteria survive and multiply - causing more harm, such as a longer illness, more doctor visits, and a need for more costly and toxic antibiotics. Some antibiotics become less efficient if they are taken with food. For example, azithromycin (zithromax) capsules should not be mixed with or taken with food, any way tablets may be taken without regard to food.

Sensitive Stomachs

20 Facts to Know About Antibiotics

Sensitive Stomachs

Ring Worm in Dogs

Ringworm is one of the most common diseases in pets, especially dogs. Unlike its name, Ringworm is not a worm but fungi called Dermatophytes that thrives on dead tissues present on skin surface and follows circular path to spread infection.

Ringworm is an infectious skin disease and your pet usually picks it up from his surroundings like kennels, rodent burrows or from other animals who are already infected. There are about 35 species of ringworm that can affect dogs. The most common is 'Mircosporum Canis', which accounts for majority of ringworm cases

Dog Food

One symptom of ringworms in dogs is a lesion on the skin that looks like a rapidly growing circular patch of broken hair. The patch may look inflamed and may appear to have dandruff-like flakes on it. The most common areas where it can occur are face, ear tips, tails and paws.

If you find any of these symptoms, take your pet to the veterinarian. He may diagnose the disease by plucking hairs from the infected area and examining it under ultra violet light. On finding fungi traits, he may advise some anti fungal pills or topical medications for your pet

Humans need to take some precautions since ringworm is an infectious disease. Be sure to keep kids away from an infected pet, and adults should wear gloves when handling any items that have come in contact with the animal. Also keep your dog neat and clean and clip his hairs short since longer hairs promote unhygienic conditions.

Although, ringworm is a mild disorder the problems due to its infectious nature and slow recovery time can be problematic.

Ring Worm in Dogs

Dog Food

The Havanese, Dog of Cuba

It seems that every country has its own history when it comes to dogs and which dogs become the particular dog which has flourished in that country. Cuba is no exception, for it is the native country of the Havanese. Although the Havanese most probably originated with the Spanish settlers of Cuba many centuries ago as descendants of the Bichon Barbichon of Southern Spain , it became apparent after many years of development that the dog was destined to become a unique breed. Because at first there seemed to be many of these little toy dogs that carried a distinctive coat color of a deep brown similar in color to that of the cigar, it is theorized that the name "Havanese" came from the name "Havana Brown" which is the first known name of the dog. Eventually this name was popularized into the name "Havanese" and it is under this name that the dog is now recognized as an A.K.C. breed.

This little dog is similar in many respects to the Bichon Frize. However the coat color can be of any blend or combination, whereas the Bichon is always white. The coat of the Havanese is long and shaggy and the standards for the show ring require that the coat not be clipped, altered, or tampered with in any way. The coat is double. However, since this is a bred that has lived for years in the tropics, the double coat is not "hard" or woolly but is soft and silkyin appearance and texture, rather like that of a single coat. The guard hairs of the top coat are long and rather wavy. The A.K.C. also allows for the mature Havanese to be shown in a "corded" coat. A Corded coat will happen naturally if, as the dog is maturing, the coat is allowed to separate itself into parted clumps of hair which gradually will wrap around themselves over time (usually with human interference) and develop into cords. This type of coat is seldom seen on a pet Havanese for it takes a lot of patience to "train" a coat in this manner. The head is furnished with a beard and hair which is long over the eyes. This long hair is believed to protect the eyes of the dog from the hot Cuban sun and because of this it has become tradition for this breed to leave the hair in a loose fall over the eyes rather than pulling it back into a topknot. The Havanese is not a large dog, at the withers the height should not be over 11 and a half inches, the minimum being 8 inches.

Dog Food

This little dog should be jaunty and happy in appearance and of course should have a temperament to match. It is a dog that has been used through centuries as a family pet and also a herder and protector of the family chicken flock, a task which it can perform quite well. It is an active breed and not one to remain quiet for long, as some small lap dogs do. This little dog is quite intelligent and does well at tricks and also excels in such ring sports as obedience and agility and flyball.

The Havanese, Dog of Cuba

Dog Food

Puppies and Worms

If you have a puppy you may need to deal with an annoying, but very normal, problem - worms. These nasty little parasites set up residence inside your precious puppy, usually in the digestive system but sometimes (and more dangerously) they can invade other organs such as the heart. Having worms can cause all kinds of problems for a puppy, ranging from vomiting to more serious illnesses such as anemia or possibly even death. Although they can be worrying, treating puppy worms is fairly straightforward and generally very effective. There are 5 main types of worms that are usually seen, these are


Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

Roundworms are the most common kind of puppy worms and many puppies are born with them as an infected mother dog can pass them onto her puppies' in-utero. They can sometimes be seen in your puppy's feces, and are most often transmitted through contact with the worm eggs or larvae in the contaminated stools.

Roundworms can be passed onto humans, and children are most at risk as they tend to play close to the ground where they can come into contact with infected soil, grass or even the feces themselves. A child's tendency to put their hands in their mouth, and to be less stringent about personal hygiene makes them an easy target.

A fecal exam performed by your veterinarian can detect the presence of roundworms, and appropriate medications usually cure the problem fairly quickly.


The most common type of tapeworm is spread by fleas. You can often see tapeworms (or segments of them) in your puppy's feces. They look like small grains of rice and are white in color. They are generally not easily transmitted to humans but good hygiene is still important.

In addition to any medication your veterinarian may prescribe to treat a tapeworm problem, using a regular, monthly flea and tick preventative is a good way to avoid an recurrence of the infestation.


Whipworms may be more common that generally thought, but they are difficult to detect. If your pup has these parasites he may show few symptoms early on, but regular (and often repeated) fecal exams are necessary to make sure he's whipworm-free and to head off any future problems.


The hookworm is a very, very tiny but still pretty nasty little puppy worm. They do best in warm, moist soil and actually penetrate through your puppy's skin and then travel to his intestines.

Humans can also pick up hookworms in the same way, so it's best not to run around barefoot if your puppy has hookworms. A fecal exam and the appropriate medication is the answer to a hookworm infestation.


Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitoes and they're the most deadly of the puppy worms. Heartworms (as their name suggests), take up residence in your puppy's heart and can cause serious health problems. If a heartworm problem is left untreated, it's quite possible that the puppy or dog will die.

A preventative medication (such as Heartgard), given regularly in strongly recommended as treatment for heartworms is long, complicated, expensive and not always successful.

If you have a new puppy be sure to have your veterinarian give him, or her, a fecal exam to check for worms at his first check-up. If at anytime you notice worms in your puppy's feces, or see symptoms that suggest a worm problem, talk to your vet straight away.

Don't try to treat puppy worms with over-the-counter-medications. They're generally not very effective and can have unwanted, even dangerous, side-effects.

Puppies and Worms

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

Sunday, January 22, 2012

How To Treat Your Man Like A Man

Are you a controlling wife? Do you take your husband for granted? Most women don't realize it but they abuse their husbands daily just by their actions. Many women of today feel that marriage revolves solely around them and that their husband's are supposed to give them everything their heart desires.

If we aren't getting what we want from our man could it be because we are not treating our man like a man? Stop pushing him around and he'll come around.

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

1. Don't undermine your husband's decision making

This is a biggy in marriage. Isn't it true that we women want things our way! We have been taught from grade school to go after our dreams and aspirations in life no matter what the consequences, even if that means rejecting our husband's needs and wishes. We do what WE want and what WE need. Why would a woman of today be so determined to chip away at her husband's manly authority and advice?

Face it ladies, we haven't exactly helped to make our man feel like a man. If we don't accept the man we married, why would we expect to get what we want from him? If we are rejecting, blaming, controlling, demeaning, undermining, and complaining about our husbands we certainly aren't respecting the man we married.

If we weaken our husband's manly resolve what's left but our feminist attitude and bossy selfish egos? Are we taking the man we married for granted? I think we are and that's what's killing marriage! How do I know all this? I used to undermine my husband all the time. I wouldn't let him be the man of the house. I was bossy and rebellious. I want you to know what I have come to know. It's great!

2. Don't reject your husband

How many times last month did you tell your husband that you were too tired or had a headache or simply shrugged him off because you were mad at him? Probably more times then you really think. Shouldn't we want to satisfy our husband's needs every single day, regardless, whether we feel like it or not? We women need to please and satisfy the men we're married to and we'll get our hearts desire. We really will!

3. Give your husband space (time with buddies)

Do you complain because your husband likes to have free time away with the guys? Maybe you feel he should be home doing chores or watching the children on his day off. But face it ladies, our man deserves time away to be with his friends to play golf, fish or hunt, or whatever it is he does just as much as we deserve to be with our friends. Did you know that a husband that is allowed the freedom to be with his buddies is a happier and more content filled man? Isn't that what we want anyway?

4. Cook your husband hot and nutritious meals every day

It is so true that one way to our man's heart is through his stomach. Ask any man and he'll tell you. I know that some of you ladies who work out of the home just don't have the time to cook nice meals everyday. Buy a crock-pot and a crock-pot cookbook and learn to make delicious homemade meals with it. Crock-pot cooking is so simple. You throw all the ingredients in the pot and it cooks safely all day, and the food will be ready when you both come home from work.

5. Respect your husband

What's so hard about respecting the man we married? If we control the marriage and feel that our husband can't do anything as good as we can, we certainly won't be able to respect him, right? Is treating your husband like one of the children respecting him? Is complaining about their faults respecting him? Is telling him what he's going to do respecting him? Is rejecting him sexually respecting him? Is belittling him respecting him? Well then, stop doing all these things and you are on your way to respecting the man you married.

6. Let your husband protect you

God made man to be the protector of women. Men love to do it, they want to do it, and they feel like a man when we let them do it. But most married women don't feel they need protected because they can take care of themselves. They carry mace, a gun and take karate classes and act like a man and still, they are getting beaten, raped, manhandled, and murdered. If a woman is married why on earth would she want to take away her husbands god-given natural abilities as a protector?

A married woman needs to allow her husband do his job in the manner in which he does it best, by protecting and loving his wife with the natural abilities God gave him. How can a man do that when the woman won't let him? This is how a man loves his woman!

Seriously now, it's really that simple. What would happen if we didn't allow our husbands to protect us? We would be rejecting their love for us. Don't you want to be loved by your man? Did you know that when we don't let our husband's love us the way God meant for a man to love his wife, we are rebelling against God?

7. Submit to your husband (love God)

Ladies, first you must learn to submit to God. This was a major issue in my marriage for many years because I didn't accept God. I was looking out into the world for the answers to my marriage problems when the answers were within my spiritual self the whole time. I finally grew to accept and love God. That is the root of submitting right there.

By growing out from the selfish person I was, I learned to understand what submitting to my husband was all about. Once a woman learns to submit to her husband she will see that by submitting she is actually in more control of the marriage and a better marriage wife because of it.

In other words, a woman will not lose anything of her self by submitting but will gain more of herself that was lost.

"Now I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God." 1 Corinthian's 11:3


How To Treat Your Man Like A Man

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

Best Sex Positions for Bbws

Bbws are hotter than ever. They are more confident, sexy and beautiful than ever before. It is now that more and more men are noticing these lovely women.

There are some things that you can do to make your time with a Bbws extra for you and for her. With just a few changes to the old familiars, you will learn enjoy the love of a Bbw.

Sensitive Stomachs

Missionary- You may think that you would not be able to enjoy this position with a Bbw, but you would be wrong. The underground is to use a pillow. beyond doubt you will need 3 pillows. One will be for her head. The other two will go under her rear. This will allow her stomach to move back at a natural angle. It will also allow you to enter her deeper

Oral Sex. Forget the position with whether you or her on top. The best way to have oral sex with a Bbw is with you both lying side by side. This should eliminate any qoute with weight while your time together

Doggie Style. This is one of the popular positions. This is another time you can use the pillow. This time place the pillow under her stomach. This will allow for more hold and take the weight off her arms. When loving a Bbw it may be essential to use your hands not at her sides, but to place on the back of her thighs. This should allow you getter entry if you spread them apart.

Manual Stimulation. This may be the most satisfying. Use your hands. Make sure you find the clitoris, but don't rub too hard. Just because she is large and in fee doesn't mean that she is not also sensitive. This will probably allow her an orgasm quicker than any other way

Best Sex Positions for Bbws

Sensitive Stomachs

What Do Crickets Eat?

Crickets are insects that belong to the Order Orthoptera and the Class Insecta. Crickets are an important part of the ecosystem since they help in the breakdown of plant material. They are also an important source of food for other animals like small owls, spiders, birds, mice, shrews, snakes, frogs, raccoons and opossums. There are many species of crickets: house crickets, field crickets, ground crickets, cave crickets, mole crickets, camel crickets, snowy tree cricket and mole crickets.

Crickets are reared and used as bait for fish and as food for some pets. The Chinese also use crickets in medicines. They are popularly used as a sport like cock fights. Crickets are also believed to bring luck. Rearing crickets is very easy since they tend to eat anything. Providing a nutritious diet to the crickets is very important as it helps in breeding. Another reason is that the nutrition from the cricket's diet would be passed on to the pets, which each these crickets.

Dog Food

Crickets are omnivores and feed on almost anything-usually organic materials, plant decay, grass, fruits, seedling plants, fungi and even meat. Crickets need good diet otherwise they tend to feed on each other. Cricket foods are commercially available in the market at feed shops. There are specific brands of cricket feed also. For a few crickets, tropical fish make a good meal though it would be expensive. Rolled oats with fresh fruits and vegetables is an ideal food for crickets. Cornflakes, bread and digestive biscuits can also be given. Crickets also relish fruits like apples, bananas and grapes and vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce and cabbage. Chicken laying mash is also good cricket food and is cost effective for feeding large number of crickets. Some food supplements like alfalfa, calcium supplements and raw vegetable scraps can also be added for additional nutrition. The food can be placed in an open and shallow container that is placed firmly on the ground. This container needs to be cleaned regularly to prevent the formation of mold.

Crickets also need a good supply of water. However, keep the water away from the food to keep the food dry and fresh. Insert cotton swabs into the water vessel to prevent the crickets from drowning. Raising crickets is very easy.

What Do Crickets Eat?

Dog Food

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Why Does My Stomach Hurt? The Top 3 Reasons Why Your Stomach Always Hurts

Do you frequently wonder "why does my stomach hurt"? If so then today I'll provide the top 3 reasons for why your stomach always hurts or why you experience chronic stomach pain and what you can start doing today to begin correcting this condition that requires serious attention.

3 Reasons for Chronic Pain

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

#1 - Lack of Stomach Acid: That's right a lack of stomach acid is always the problem, rarely do people produce too much and have problems as a result. With a lack of this acid, stomach ulcers are more frequent, bacteria that would otherwise be destroyed on consumed food is allowed to pass through and infect the body such as H.Pylori. As well a lack of acid frequently leads to a condition known as candida overgrowth which I'll discuss in a second.

#2 - Improper Chewing/Too much liquid: When you eat too quickly and fail to chew your food well enough you place extra stress on your stomach to do all the added work. It's even worse if you don't chew your food (ideally until paste like consistency), you suffer from low stomach acid & you drink liquids with your meals which will only dilute your stomach acid further. The solution to which is to stop doing all of these things. Chew your food to a paste, don't drink any more than 1 glass of water over the course of 30 min before a meal and 2 hours afterwards.

#3 - Chronic Candida: This is a yeast that thrives inside anyone with low stomach acid, ironically it can cause a great deal of digestive pain which most people mistake for stomach pain. You see your stomach is actually much higher in your chest, odds are you're feeling pain a little lower in your intestines, this is exactly where candida does all its damage. The list of symptoms it causes is endless, however the most common associated symptom is digestive pain which is caused by the fermentation and growth of the yeast inside your body. If you also experience gas &/or bloating as well then the odds are great that it's candida causing your problems.

The first step is to learn about candida, fill out a quick questionnaire to see if it's the cause of your problems and learn the first thing you need to do in order to eliminate it for good!

Why Does My Stomach Hurt? The Top 3 Reasons Why Your Stomach Always Hurts

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

4 Ways to Make Your Vagina Smell and Taste Better

Even if your vagina doesn't smell or taste bad, you may still want to improve it. Having a vagina that tastes and smells good makes you more confident during sex and feels healthier.

1. Proper hygiene
While the inside of the vagina usually keeps itself clean, the outside can use a little help sometimes. Wash every day with a gentle, additive-free soap to keep your vagina fresh and smelling nice.

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

2. Shaving
Whether or not to shave the pubic hair is a personal choice, and you shouldn't do it if you feel uncomfortable with it. If you don't mind the idea however, consider that once that pubic hair is gone, things like sweat and stray urine droplets won't get trapped in the area. If you notice your vagina smells bad, it could be scents trapped in the hair and not the vagina itself. Shaving will also improve the taste of your vagina, much the same way as it improves smell.

3. Flavored oils
There are flavored massage oils available that can be used on the vagina to improve the taste and smell. These are only to be used during sex though, not during everyday activities. Still, if you're looking for a quick improvement in taste and smell for an intimate moment, massage oils are a good option. Make sure the kind you get is specifically intended for sex, and always test a small amount first so you know your vagina isn't too sensitive for the product.

4. Drinking juice
Cranberry and pineapple juice have both been reported to improve the taste and scent of vaginal discharge. Cranberry juice naturally combats unhealthy bacteria in the urinary tract system, so this will help improve the smell of urine as well. Even if you only drink a glass of one of these juices a day, you can still see changes. The pineapple juice trick works for men too, so if you live with your partner, consider getting him to try it with you.
If you notice a persistent bad vaginal smell, you may be suffering from some kind of infection, so see a doctor if these natural tips don't improve your condition.

4 Ways to Make Your Vagina Smell and Taste Better

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs