Did you perceive that frogs are thought about one of the most prominent biological indicators of the health of our planet's ecosystems? In 1989 it was discovered that in some areas the frog habitancy was declining and in their search for an answer, scientists started widespread explore on frogs and their surrounding environment. Frogs are very sensitive to changes in the ecosystem, so studying the frog habitancy as it increases or decreases within a specific system can alert scientists to a health question within that system well before the damage is irreversible.
There are almost 5000 species of frogs that are currently known about and new species are being discovered every year. Amazingly, there is a lot of landmass all colse to the world that has never seen humans; therefore it is unknown how many species of frogs there admittedly are. But, as new species are discovered, existing species are becoming extinct as their habitat undergoes changes due to encroachment upon their homes or due to pollution.
Sensitive Stomachs
Frogs vary in size, fluctuating from less than half an inch to two and half feet with the rear legs extended. Here are a few more miniature known facts:
Frogs in wet areas hibernate under water and digest air through their skin; in some areas, where there is a drought or very dry season, they 'estivate', which means they burrow into the soil and come to be dormant until the rains rehydrate the earth. Ice crystals form in the bladder, in the body cavity and under the skin of frogs, stopping their heart and their breathing. A partially frozen frog is reanimated when the place where it hibernates gets above freezing. It has to do with the amount of glucose in their system. Frogs cannot live in salt water at all. Frogs digest water through their skin, keeping them hydrated. Frogs do not drink. Some frogs can jump 20 times the distance of their body. Almost all frog croaking will be of the male variety-most female species do not croak or sing. Scientists discovered that frogs throw up by throwing up their stomach first, and then using their forelegs to dig out the stomach contents and then they swallow the stomach back down again-ewww! You cannot get warts from toads or frogs. It is a human virus that causes them. All toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads.
So, if you are fortunate enough to hear the chorus of the frogs, you can rest assured that you are living in an area that, for the most part, is frog-friendly. Don't complain about them keeping you up at night; instead rejoice in their cacophony and do your part to insure that their habitat remains a wholesome environment in which to live. It is your habitat too!
All About Frogs Sensitive Stomachs
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