Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dogs Throwing Up Undigested Food

Dogs throw up at some time or another in their life time. An occasional vomiting is normal and it is a natural way of getting rid of unwanted food or foreign elements. Ingesting unfamiliar or inedible foods and gorging can cause an upset stomach that results in vomiting. Indigestion due to a variety of reasons causes the stomach muscles to contract painfully and to expel the contents of the stomach.

dog food for sensitive stomachs


Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs

Dogs have a strong digestive system. But, due to indiscriminate eating of foods and other inedible objects found in the garbage, the digestive system is severely tested. This renders it incapable of functioning normally and the food ingested by your pet causes an irritation in the stomach. Throwing up the undigested food is a clear indication of a malfunctioning digestive system. Acute or chronic vomiting can bring out undigested food.

Acute Vomiting

Acute vomiting comes suddenly and is usually a one-time occurrence. But, when acute and repeated vomiting occurs, it is caused by a serious ailment and should be treated as an emergency. Acute vomiting is caused by a sudden change in diet or an unfamiliar treat. This can be resolved at home by withholding food and giving his stomach a rest. Usually, a rest from eating should resolve the problem.

Chronic Vomiting

Chronic vomiting is when your pet vomits regularly once or more times a week. This is caused by an inflammation of the intestines. Chronic vomiting indicates a weak digestive system or an infection. Dogs suffering from such a chronic condition have a low energy level and are fussy eaters. They may be sensitive to certain types of food that lead to an inflammation of the intestinal tract.

Treatment Options

Observation and diagnosis will provide the answers for vomiting problems. Keep an eye on the dog at the first sign of discomfort and watch for potential problems. Make a note of the foods he has eaten 24 hours prior to his vomiting. Consult your vet with your dog's history. Collect the vomit and get it tested. Your vet may suggest tests such as fecal testing, blood work, and X-rays.

• Fasting is a good way to give his stomach a rest and only gradually, increase the food intake.
• Give him bland foods.
• Make sure he drinks fresh water and does not get dehydrated.
• Prevent your dog from eating unfamiliar foods or garbage.
• Monitor the diet and ensure that good sanitary conditions exist.
• For continued vomiting, a few grains of subnitrate of bismuth may be given.

In some cases, your pet may find immediate relief once he vomits. When the foreign object or a toxic substance is thrown up, your dog's digestive system is likely to get back to its normal functioning levels. When he shows no signs of improvement, taking him to the vet is the best option. Ignoring the symptoms could trigger a serious illness in your pet, which is best prevented.

Dogs Throwing Up Undigested Food

Dog Food For Sensitive Stomachs


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